Privacy Policy


OVS VILLELLA S.R.L. based in Via dello Sport 26/28 in Sesto Calende (VA) as holder of the processing of personal data according to Leg. 196/2003 and following changes - Privacy Code – and the EU regulations 679/2016 applicable starting 25th May 2018 - (“RGPD”) General Regulations (from now on Privacy Code and RGPD are both intended as “Applicable Legislation”) recognizes the importance of personal data protection and considers the protection of said data as one of the most important objectives during its activity.

In compliance with the Applicable Legislation, we are required to give the needed information regarding the treatment of personal data. It is a policy in compliance with artt. 13 of the Applicable Legislation and OVS VILLELLA S.R.L. suggests you read it carefully since it contains important information regarding data protection and the security measures adopted in order to guarantee the necessary confidentiality according to the Applicable Legislation.

OVS VILLELLA S.R.L. informs that the personal information treatment will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, limitation of finality and conservation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and privacy. Personal information will be treated according to the laws and regulations of the Applicable Legislation and according to the confidentiality obligations.



According to the Applicable Legislation, the holder of the treatment is OVS VILLELA S.R.L. based in Via dello Sport 26/28 in Sesto Calende (VA).

OVS VILLELLA S.R.L. has not named a person in charge of personal data protection (Data Protection Officer or “DPO”) because the conditions in the Applicable Legislation do not apply.

For any information related to the personal data processing done by the Holder, i.e. the request of the list of people who treat data on behalf of the holder himself, contact the following email address:



The treatment of personal information takes place at the location of the holder, at the operative locations and at designated thirds.



The treatment has as its object personal information and identifications given voluntarily by the interested party (i.e. name, surname, address, VAT number, fiscal Code, telephone number, e-mail, bank information and more).



For “Personal Information” we intend any information related to the person physically identified or identifiable through a particular mean like a name, identification number, location information, on-line identification or one or more specific elements of the person’s physical, physiological, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity.

For “Particular Information” we intend any suitable personal data aimed at revealing the racial and ethnic origin, the religious and philosophic conventions, the labor union membership, the genetic and biometric data, the health and sexual orientation/sexual life data of the person.

For “Judicial Information” we intend any personal information regarding criminal convictions or crimes or security measures connected.

For “Treatment” we intend any operation or set of operations, done with or without the help of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, like the collection, registration, organization, structuring, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication through transmission, circulation or any other form of availability, confront or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction.




The personal information voluntarily given will be object of treatment by the holder for the following finalities:

  1. Administrative-counting. For the application of legislations regarding data protection, the treatments performed for administrative-counting purposes are those connected to the progress of the organizational activities, administrative, financial and counting, regardless of the nature of the information treated. In particular, those purposes are pursued by the internal organizational activities, those functional to the fulfillment of contractual and pre-contractual obligations, functional to the management of the employment relationship in all its phases, functional to the accounting keeping and to the application of the fiscal, trade union, social security, health, and hygiene and job security legislations.
  2. Promotional and informative. The use of email provided by the client during the sale of a product or service with the purpose of direct sale of its own products or services, is allowed in the forms of information and newsletter. The concerned party, during collection and during the sending of any communication, is informed of the possibility of opposition in any moment of the treatment, in an easy and free way (art. 130 comma 4 of D.Lgs 196/03). Mailing lists are not activated.
  3. Security, art. 32 EU RGPD. With particular attention to the identification data freely provided by the guest/visitor at our locations (name, surname, company), the treatment has the only purpose of guaranteeing the formal compliance to the company’s security procedures, also according to the applicable legislations (i.e. registration in the visitor register/database, temporary identification badge assignment, application of law obligations regarding job security).



The treatment will be done in both automated and manual modes, with modalities and means aimed at guaranteeing maximum security and privacy, done by nominated people responsible and in charge of the treatment according to the Applicable Legislation. The data will be kept for a period not greater than the finality the information was collected in the first place and subsequently treated, and in any case in compliance with the actual contractual or commercial relationship.




The data treated will not be circulated, unless explicitly authorized by the interested party through suitable informative. However the data can be communicated to companies contractually tied to the Holder of the treatment and, if necessary, to authorities inside and outside of EU, according to art. 42,43,44 of Leg. 196/2003. The personal information can be communicated to third parties tied to the following categories:

  • Subjects who provide services for the management of the IT system and the telecommunication networks used by the Holder of the treatment and who are responsible for the maintenance of the technological part (comprehensive of the email and newsletter services);
  • Subjects and bodies who collaborate with the Holder of the treatment in order to carry out training courses i.e. professors, Interprofessional Equal Funds;
  • Freelancers, studies, or companies in support or advising relationships;
  • Subjects related to controls, revisions and certifications of the activities of the treatment’s Holder.
  • Public authorities for law fulfillment and/or legislations of public bodies, if requested.

The identification information treated in application of the company security procedures are not object of communication, unless explicitly requested and eventually required by the competent juridical and investigative Authorities.

The subjects belonging to the categories above cover the function of data treatment Manager, or work in total autonomy as distinct Holders of the treatment. The list of managers is continually updated and is available on request at the location of the treatment Holder.

Any further communication of circulation will take place only with explicit consent from the interested party.

Furthermore, during ordinary treatment activities, only subjects expressly designated by the writer as responsible and/or in charge of the treatment will have access to personal information and they will be authorized according to their respective profiles.




Lastly, we inform you that in any moment you will be able to exercise your rights towards the holder of the treatment according to the Applicable Legislation, and therefore obtain eventual confirmation of the existence of the data, know its origin and content, verify the accuracy, ask for integration, updates or rectification.

When the conditions provided by the Applicable Legislation are met, You have the right to ask for the cancellation, limitation of treatment, portability or oppose, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment.


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